BAMN praises the signing of part of the California Dream Act into law. The bill gives undocumented students access to private scholarships and signifies a step forward in ending the second-class treatment of undocumented youth in the state of California.

“The bill is an important victory for our movement and represents an acknowledgement by the State of California that undocumented students have a right to equal and accessible education, said Shanta Driver, BAMN National Chair. “Along with the recent passage of the Illinois Dream act, this bill is a move towards ending discriminatory financial aid policies of Universities around the country.”

Undocumented students still do not have access to state funded financial aid in California such as Cal Grants, which would be provided with the passage of AB 131.

“Undocumented students are the peers and equals of all California students,” said UC Berkeley Alum and BAMN organizer Justin Cheong. “The new civil rights movement will keep fighting for every step towards real equality for undocumented immigrant students, including state based financial aid and a pathway toward citizenship.”