BAMN is proud to count among its members both rank and file workers and elected officials in unions representing public workers (AFSCME), health care workers (SEIU) and teachers (NEA/AFT).

These BAMN union activists are fighting for internal union democracy, rank and file control, and a militant fight against management based on unleashing the sleeping lion that is the collective power of organized workers.

They are also fighting for the unions to save themselves and our society by breaking out of narrow trade-union consciousness and joining with the struggles of the oppressed to fight racism and anti-immigrant bigotry and to stand with youth in defending equal, quality public education.

The three BAMN delegates to the 2012 AFSCME International Convention from Local 207 (the largest union of City workers in Detroit) have submitted and will make a floor fight for the following resolutions to the convention:

Immigrant Rights

Support Affirmative Action

Defend Public Education



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