BAMN Press Release 6/14/2012: BAMN serves UC-Berkeley administrators and police $15 million from UC-Berkeley for police brutality and political witchhunt...
Year: <span>2012</span>
13.062012June 13, 2012
DONATE to BAMN’s Summer Leadership Project Scholarship Fund!
“A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.” —...
12.062012June 12, 2012
BAMN responds to UC-Berkeley Police Review Board report
By Ronald CruzIn Affirmative Action and K-12 Integration, Defend Public Education, Immigrant Rights, Occupy Movement, Police Brutality and Corruption, Social JusticeTags berkeley, brutality, lawsuit, november 9, occupy, occupy cal, police, police review board, report, UC Berkeley
Op-Ed piece to the Daily Californian: The UC-Berkeley Police Review Board’s (PRB’s) final report about the police violence November 9,...
05.062012June 22, 2012
Fight Continues to Remove Racist Teacher from Cesar Chavez Academy
By Monica SmithIn Defend Public Education, Immigrant RightsTags anti-immigrant bigotry, BAMN, Cesar Chavez Academy, detroit, featured, fighting racism, immigrant rights, public education, racism, Student walkouts
UPDATE: Students Pack 6/14/12 CCA Board Meeting – Advance the Fight to Force Board to ‘Decline to Renew’ Contract of...
03.062012June 4, 2012
Video: UCLA Occupiers Speak Out!
By BAMNIn Affirmative Action and K-12 Integration, Dream Act, DACA and the Dreamers, Occupy Movement, Social JusticeTags BAMN, double underrepresented minority enrollment, featured, occupation, occupy, UCLA admissions
On Friday, June 1, 2012, several dozen students and civil rights activists participated in a BAMN-organized occupation of the UCLA...
01.062012June 4, 2012
BAMN Occupies UCLA Admissions Office to Double Underrepresented Minority Enrollment
By Ronald CruzIn Affirmative Action and K-12 Integration, Defend Public Education, Immigrant Rights, Occupy MovementTags affirmative action, BAMN, featured, occupy occupation ucla admissions double underrepresented minority enrollment
(See the FLYER for the Campaign to Double Underrepresented Minority Enrollment in UC) 10:30PM – Throughout the evening, protesters chanted...