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Oakland will MARCH on California’s Cesar Chavez Holiday — Monday, April 1, 2013 — to demand FULL CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS FOR ALL! These are our demands:

  1. FULL CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS for all people who live here, go to school here, work here, and otherwise contribute to this society. Latina/o, black, Asian, Arab, Native American, white, immigrants with and without papers — we are ALL Americans.
  2. OPEN THE BORDERS — give people the same rights that NAFTA provides to the corporations for unrestricted passage across borders.
  3. NO RESTRICTIONS to gaining citizenship should be placed on young people brought by their parents.
  4. NO FINES for the millions of people without papers who are here now. No more deportations.
  5. CLEAR, DEFINITE TIMELINES should be set for people to gain citizenship — not indefinite probation.
  6. Pass the DREAM Act Now!

If you want to help organize, contact: email@bamn.com, 855-ASK-BAMN