Emergency Rally to Defend DACA

Oakland, CA Rally and March to Defend DACA Sat. Sept. 09, 2017

2pm Oscar Grant Plaza, Oakland, (14th St./Broadway)


  • Defend DACA!

  • Make California a Real Sanctuary State! Make Berkeley a Sanctuary Campus!

  • Trump Must Resign or be Removed!

  • No Muslim Ban! No Wall!

  • Stop Anti-Immigrant, Anti-Muslim Scapegoating! Full Citizenship Rights Now for All Immigrants, Refugees, and Asylum Seekers! Open the Borders!

  • Take Action to Stop ICE Raids and Deportations, and Racist Attacks on Immigrants!

  • Latina/o, Black, Native American, Arab, Asian, and White, Immigrants With and Without Papers—We are ALL Californians!

  • Abolish the Electoral College!

  • Universal Healthcare for All in California and the Nation


Fresno Immigrant Rights walkout 2006


Now is the time to take action to defend DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) and fight for the Federal DREAM Act so that undocumented immigrant youth can gain a pathway to citizenship. Trump has announced that he will maintain DACA for another 6 months to “wind out” the program. The fact that he announced this, rather than an outright abolition of the program, is a credit to the great strength and popularity of the DREAMers, the immigrant rights movement, and the movement of Resistance to Trump. Rather than becoming paralyzed by our hopes and fears, the best way to defend DACA and win a permanent pathway to citizenship for DACA students and immigrant families is if we act now, and act decisively. We cannot rely on the politicians.To get Congress to act as soon as possible, the movement needs to rise again to the level of the immigrant rights movement of 2006, and the early weeks after Trump took office. We know this is possible — we’ve done it and we can do it again ¡Si se puede!

This is the time to make California a real sanctuary for immigrants. We cannot allow politicians in Sacramento like Gov. Jerry Brown who threaten to veto the Sanctuary bill and turn it into another political football to campaign for election season, while strengthening the ability of ICE to persecute and deport high numbers of immigrants. We must come out in mass numbers to defeat Trump’s attack on DACA, stopping his deportations and demanding it is time for Trump to resign or be removed By Any Means Necessary!

We are now on the offensive. The events in Charlottesville, including the murder of Heather Heyer, although tragic and horrific, have reignited the fire in the Movement. We have successfully shut down following attempts of the Alt-Right and Fascists, some of Trump’s most dangerous and vociferous demagogic support base. The white supremacists’ numbers in Boston, and especially in San Francisco, where they ran and hid throughout the day, and later at Berkeley were pathetic despite Trump’s gross attempt to mobilize them by pardoning Arizona’s notoriously racist and Trump-fanatic Sherriff Joe Arpaio. Over 7,000 people came out strong in Berkeley to shut down the less-than-a-dozen Alt-Right Trump supporters.

Berkeley and the Bay Area mobilized in the thousands once more, ignoring the calls of established governmental and community “leaders” to stay home. The mobilizations were a success in the simple unified goal of coming out to the streets and shutting down Alt-Right and Neo-Nazi groups that came out to terrorize our communities, especially Black, Latino/a, LGBTQ, Muslim and Immigrants. The Mass actions made sure Charlottesville did not happen in California or elsewhere.

Trump’s disastrous administration has failed to meet any of his promises made to his racist voters of repealing Obamacare, a Muslim ban or building the wall. Except for his racist deportations, which he has only been able to do in part by continuing to deport immigrants already detained under Obama’s administration. Thanks to the resistance of the movement, his raids have not been as open and effective, his deportation courts are a clogged mess, people have also started now to listen to our call and are not showing up for check-ins, evading bogus arrests.

Even his scandalous attempt starting on June 11 to carry out a nationwide mass raid of hundreds of Iraqi and Chaldean immigrants sparked mass militant actions in Detroit and other cities, which despite immigrant arrests, have not resulted in a single deportation. A weak Trump administration crumbling in the White House, with an untamed Trump demagogue that cannot hold his tongue or twitter fingers, who now openly defends KKK and fascist terror, with his most vicious supporters cowering in their houses and fuming on the internet cannot be sustained.

Now, we must build on our success on the streets, we must mobilize to Defend DACA, and make California a real Sanctuary for all immigrants as the next catapult to defeat Trump. Misleaders get out of our way- we are marching militantly today, tomorrow and will keep on marching until Trump is defeated.

UC Berkeley BAMN Meetings: Mondays @ 8PM, Dwinelle Hall Rm. 106


BAMN Bay Area – Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration and Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality    bamn.com    california@bamn.com   Bay Area Hotline: 510-817-2617  Los Angeles Hotline: (323) 208-9751 or (213) 290-1496

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