Only the New Mass Movement Can Save the Country


Defend DACA!  Stop the Deportation of Iraqi Refugees

Stop the creation of a Trump-led Authoritarian Regime and the growth of a Fascist Movement

  • Defend DACA  & TPS – Pass the Federal DREAM ACT NOW!

  • Full Citizenship Rights Now for All Immigrants, Refugees, and Asylum Seekers!

  • Defeat the Alt-Right (neo-fascist) white supremacists—stop racist, violent, fascist attacks

  • Shut Down Immigrant Concentration Camps/Detention Centers

  • Defend Sanctuary Cities and Sanctuary Campuses

  • No Muslim Ban, No Wall, Open the Borders!

  • Stop Anti-Immigrant, Anti-Muslim Scapegoating

  • Organize community defense guards to Take Action to stop I.C.E. raids and deportations  – If you see I.C.E. “La Migra,” DON’T WALK ON BY

  • No “Pre-emptive Strike” Against North Korea – No Nuclear War with China

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We have the social power to defeat Donald Trump. The movement of millions that came into the streets and shut down airports after Trump’s inauguration won real victories, defeating the first Muslim ban, stopping deportations, building sanctuary communities. We urgently need that mass movement to come back into the streets now to force Trump to resign or be removed.

Every day that Trump remains President, he moves closer to establishing an authoritarian regime, encouraging a fascist movement, and plunging the world into nuclear war. The Trump administration is weak and unstable and grows more unpopular by the day. He remains in power only because of the mis-leadership of politicians and so-called community leaders who treat Trump as invincible. The Democrats have even managed to lose DACA, despite the overwhelming popularity of the Dreamers, by demobilizing the mass movement in favor of ordinary political and legal processes in a time that is anything but ordinary.

The demand for Trump for resign or be removed gains more support steadily – what we need now is action. There is no time to waste relying on leaders who are fighting so hard to lose, while Trump threatens to destroy everything we hold dear. We must be our own heroes.

Only our independent, mass militant immigrant rights and civil rights movement can force Trump out, defeat the fascist movement that supports him, and stop racist deportations.



If you see I.C.E. “La Migra” DON’T WALK ON BY


WHAT TO DO IF YOU SEE I.C.E. (Immigration and Customs Enforcement):


  1. Prepare and organize community self-defense guard networks. Create a phone tree with your neighbors, classmates, friends and coworkers to mass text and call in an emergency in case ICE or Immigration comes to your house, your neighborhood, workplace, school, hospital, courts or other public settings, or if ICE tries to set a street checkpoint.

  1. We cannot rely on lawyers and politicians. We have to rely on ourselves and our communities. If we do that, we can win.

  2. If you see ICE, don’t walk on or drive by. Stop to take a picture and/or video, send it to BAMN and call us, post it on social media (facebook, Instagram, twitter, snapchat, etc…) with the address and invite people to join you right away.

  3. Call your friends, neighbors, coworkers, class mates, family members who are safe to come out to disrupt and obstruct ICE activities.

—bring out signs, noise makers or other helpful tools

—block the road if there’s a checkpoint to prevent ICE from stopping cars

—form a defense line to block the entrance to the apartment complex, house, school, or workplace to deny access to ICE into the area where immigrants might be

—take collective action to surround their vehicles if they have already arrested the person or group of people

  1. Call news media to cover the incident. Ask someone in the crowd to film the ongoing incident.

  2. If you or someone you know has been detained by ICE, call BAMN immediately for legal representation.

  3. Join BAMN. Contact us to attend our next meeting and/or to form a BAMN chapter in your neighborhood, school, college or university; to form a caucus in your workplace; or to affiliate your club or organization with BAMN.


The night of June 11, 2017 was Detroit’s most valiant struggle to date against Trump’s racist regime of deportations. That morning, dozens of Chaldean Christians and Iraqi Muslims, refugees who had escaped genocide and war in Iraq and lived in the US for decades, were rounded up by I.C.E. to be deported back to their deaths. On that night, at the Detroit I.C.E. office, protestors (most of whom were family members of those detained and including Detroit and Ann Arbor BAMN members) boldly confronted the police and I.C.E., clashing on the street as the I.C.E. agents attempted to drive away with a bus full of refugees. In order to halt the bus’ departure, protestors stepped in front of its path. Over and over again, the police shoved protestors aside, and each time, protestors swarmed the front of the bus, to stop it from going forward. All this drew the attention of residents and people driving by, who supported the protestors by honking, shouting curses against Trump and the police, and some, getting out of their cars to join the protest. This continued for almost an hour, and even though the bus was finally able to gain enough momentum to speed away, the brave stand by protestors that night set the standard for what it means to stop deportations, by any means necessary.

We urgently need to remobilize our mass movement now in the streets. In the face of recent I.C.E. raids in Northern and Southern California, we need bold collective action with the militance of that night of struggle ‪on June 11‬ and the mass demonstrations in the weeks that followed, including the mass airport shutdowns that defeated the first Muslim ban. Only this can shift the power to our side to win a definitive victory to free our people. If we don’t, then Trump, his I.C.E. thugs and Jim Crow courts will become even more emboldened to terrorize our immigrant communities and deport our family members, friends and neighbors. We can win. It’s time to finish this fight the way we started it, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!



The struggle of Detroit’s Iraqi Chaldean and Muslim communities is a Model for Direct Action to Stop Trump’s Racist Deportations


On Sunday, June 11, 2017, over one hundred Iraqi-Americans were rounded up, mostly from their homes, across the Detroit area in a single, massive sweep. The families of the refugees gathered outside the Detroit immigration office at East Jefferson and Mount Elliott, where I.C.E. agents were holding them. As word got out, BAMN and other community activists joined the protest. From outside the metal fence, the families watched and screamed as their fathers, brothers, husbands, uncles were loaded onto buses wearing chains. As a bus began to move out, the crowd raced to the driveway to blockade the exit.

Over and over, the police formed ranks and shoved aside the protesters, only to find that more people swarmed in front of the bus after it had traveled just a few yards. Some local residents passing by joined the protest, some used their cars to block traffic on East Jefferson as they shouted curses against Trump and against the police. This continued for almost an hour, until the bus finally gained enough momentum to pass.

The brave stand by Detroit’s Iraqi community created the possibility of saving the refugees from deportation and death, awakening broad public support for the Iraqi immigrants and creating a political crisis for the federal immigration system.  The direct action June 11 and the mass demonstrations in the weeks that followed set the national standard for what it means to stop deportations by any means necessary.

Our movement both in court and in the streets has thrown a monkey wrench in Trump’s plan to deport as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. The victories we have won, the people who have won their freedom, have been because of the strength of the collective actions.

But every step forward in this fight has been met with a counter-attack by the Trump regime, which has no respect for any legal process, no concern for the rights or well-being of any immigrant, and no interest in listening to anyone’s case. Every court hearing confirms this. Immigration judges and I.C.E. increasingly act with the arrogance and impunity of a police state, denying bond or granting exorbitantly high bonds, and even taking people back into custody after they are released.

The movement must learn this lesson well: do not rely on the legal process to win – rely upon your own collective strength, fighting together as a movement. For the Iraqi and other immigrant communities in Detroit and across the country, this is truly a life-and-death struggle. Our movement must quickly popularize the ‘Don’t Walk On By’ tactic of building community defense and taking direct action like we did on June 11 to stop Trump’s I.C.E. dogs from terrorizing our communities. This is how we can defeat Trump.


Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration & Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary (BAMN)

www.bamn.com         (313) 936-0664           bamn@umich.edu        Join our BAMN Facebook page

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