Stand with Atlanta! Justice for Rayshard Brooks and George Floyd!

Reignite the Fiery Spirit of Minneapolis!

The people of Atlanta have reignited the fiery spirit of Minneapolis back into the national movement and are out in the streets tonight seeking justice, Saturday June 13th in response to the racist Atlanta police killing of Rayshard Brooks. Brooks was a 27 year old young black man killed by Atlanta police officers Garrett Rolfe and Devin Bronsan in a Wendy’s drive thru Friday, June 12.

Atlanta police remind us that cops have learned nothing and remain firm in their determination to murder and brutalize black and brown people. In Palmdale CA, hundreds of protesters were pouring out into the streets to demand justice for Robert Fuller. Fuller was a young black man, who was found hanging from a tree, the obvious victim of lynching. Palmdale has a long and sordid history of racism and KKK attacks.

Since the killing of George Floyd, scores of brutal police killings have happened all over the country, including during the protests themselves like Sean Monterrosa in Vallejo, CA. From the police killing of black trans Tony McDade in Florida, to the senseless execution of Erik Salgado by CHP in East Oakland with over 40 shots. Not to mention racist incidents like the lynching of Robert Fuller in Palmdale, CA. These should be strong reminders to our movement why we must take matters into our own hands to stop racist police killings and to defeat racist bigots, including the biggest racist in America threatening to shut down our movement, Donald Trump who must be removed now by any means necessary. We cannot slow down our movement to give way to politicians to take over at the local and or national levels with reforms that fall far from what our movement is demanding in justice for the victims of police murder to real racial equality in our society.

This is why our movement must return to the streets with the same militancy, consistency and determination taught to us by the heroic struggle of the people of Minneapolis and cities all over the nation that followed.

We must continue to remain independent of the politicians that are trying to shut down the movement into “acceptable” forms of protests centered around elections and support for local, state and national politicians. Our strength from the beginning has been the power expressed militantly through integrated struggle in the streets and we cannot allow our movement to be derailed and co-opted by politicians and misleaders. We have to understand this is a moment to be our own heroes and rely on those that stand with us day after day on the streets, instead of handing power to the same politicians and establishments that have failed us time after time.

Join us Sunday June 14th at 4 pm at Oscar Grant Plaza in Oakland to rally and march. It’s time to reignite the fiery spirit of Minneapolis!

Justice for George Floyd!
Justice for Breonna Taylor!
Justice for Tony McDade!
Justice for Sean Monterossa!
Justice for Erik Salgado!
Justice for Robert Fuller!
Justice for Rayshard Brooks!


Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration & Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary (BAMN)     (855) ASK-BAMN     Instagram: @joinbamn
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