BAMN Calls On Donald Trump To Resign Now!

BAMN Calls On Donald Trump To Resign Now!

Trump Is Not Capable Of Governing A Nation, Let Alone Be Commander In Chief, and Must Go Now!

In order to defend American democracy, save countless lives and prevent ongoing and future catastrophes, Trump must go now. The grossly corrupted and dangerous regime of Donald Trump cannot stand any longer. In reality the Trump administration is in the process of falling apart now, as one revelation after another undermines the capacity of the Trump administration to function as a real government. The latest scandal revealed in Bob Woodward’s recorded interviews as part of his new book Rage, confirms what most people assumed all along. Trump consciously lied and downplayed the severity of a deadly pandemic that has resulted in the loss of thousands and thousands of lives and currently continues to ravage the country with no end in sight. Woodward writes in his latest book Rage that Trump was briefed in late January about the severity of the coronavirus as the “biggest national security threat” he’d have to face during his presidency. Trump goes on tape recording interviews with Woodward to admit that he knew how deadly the airborne virus was, even deadlier than the worst flu. Yet, still went on public to call the virus a hoax! This adds to the long list of attacks on American democracy; openly sabotaging elections and defending international intervention in American elections, brutal repression of political protesters around the country and defense of racist police violence, inciting racist paranoia in his base and emboldening his most vicious racist fanatics, the separation of immigrant children from his parents and other attacks on the fundamental human rights of immigrants. This is no man capable of governing a nation or commanding an army. To save any semblance of American Democracy, to defend the civil rights of Americans and people around the world,  and to defend the nation’s honor before the world, Trump must go now. BAMN calls on Donald Trump to resign from the presidency of the United States Now. 
