6th Circuit collage

BAMN is calling on the United States Supreme Court to grant review of the decision striking down Michigan’s anti-affirmative action initiative so that the Court can review and strike down California’s Proposition 209 and the identical laws in Arizona, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Washington.

In a brief filed with the Supreme Court, BAMN asked the Court to grant review not because the Sixth Circuit decision striking down Michigan’s Proposal 2 was wrong, but because it was right.

Shanta Driver, BAMN’s National Chair and one of the attorneys representing BAMN in this case, said “The Sixth Circuit decision should be extended to California and the other four states where Ward Connerly’s amendments have passed.  If Proposal 2 is unconstitutional, so is California’s Proposition 209.”

If the Supreme Court grants review, we will need a major national campaign to reverse Ward Connerly’s attacks and all of the attacks on affirmative action.  If the Supreme Court does not grant review, the decision striking down Michigan’s Proposal 2 will be final and we will have to organize a major campaign to get the University of Michigan to reverse the disastrous falls in minority enrollment that have occurred since Proposal 2 passed in 2006.

The Supreme Court’s decision on granting review could come on March 18.

A copy of the BAMN press release and BAMN’s brief is  available below.

Press Release

BRIEF – Petition for Writ of Certiorari