Immigrants Rights March Fundraiser in Oakland

Support Bay Area youth making history!

In 2006, the last time immigration reform was raised for serious debate, the largest marches to ever sweep America shut-down Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, Phoenix and other large and small cities. We have an opportunity to get the movement on its feet and in the streets again to win a real, winnable program for immigrant rights.

The youth contingent BAMN is organizing to attend the National Immigrant Rights March in Washington, D.C. on April 10, 2013. can inspire that movement to come forward again and make this march strong as it needs to be.

We are working with dozens of students and their families from the Bay Area who are committed to attending this march. Round-trip air fare is about $500, and while most of the students’ families cannot afford the cost, the young people have the determination and the spirit to go and represent all of us.

Please come to Loakal Art Gallery in Oakland on Wed. March 13 from 6-8 pm to meet these students and hear them speak about the fight of our lives.

Please come, bring friends, and your checkbook. If you cannot attend, you are still welcome to donate!

It is time to end the new Jim Crow laws of our generation. We have that opportunity now.

Join us! Si se puede!

“I want to MARCH ON WASHINGTON because I have a dream that one day my family, friends, and everyone will be equal–not depending on their documents.” —Alexis Reyes, Oakland Technical High School

“I want to MARCH ON WASHINGTON because I never want to miss an opportunity to learn and grow politically, especially if it is staring me in the face.” —Maya Rapier, Oakland Technical High School

“I’m an immigrant and I want my rights! I want to shout it! It makes me feel hella powerful!” —Wendy, Edna Brewer Middle School

The Demands of our Contingent:

  • REPLACE PARTIAL PROBATIONARY STATUS WITH FULL CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS for all people who live here, go to school here, work here, and otherwise contribute to this society. Latina/o, black, Asian, Arab, Native American, white, immigrants with and without papers—we are ALL Americans.
  • OPEN THE BORDERS—give people the same rights that NAFTA provides to the corporations for unrestricted passage across borders.
  • NO RESTRICTIONS to gaining citizenship should be placed on young people brought by their parents.
  • NO FINES for the millions of people without papers who are here now. No more deportations.
  • CLEAR, DEFINITE TIMELINES should be set for people to gain citizenship—not indefinite probation.