— Lea en español — BAMN’s five demands from BAMN’s Call to Action: Replace partial probationary status with full citizenship...
Tag: <span>dream act</span>
12.022013March 2, 2013
Respuesta de BAMN a la “Estrategia Bipartita para la Reforma Inmigratoria Comprehensiva” — ¡DERECHOS DE CIUDADANÍA COMPLETOS PARA TODOS!
By BAMNIn Dream Act, DACA and the Dreamers, Immigrant Rights, Social Justice, Stop Deportations! Sanctuary for Immigrants!Tags 10 de abril, 2013, Acta de los Sueños, Acta de Sueños, derechos de inmigrantes, dream act, inmigracion, inmigrantes, marcha, washington
See the English version Las 5 demandas de la Llamada a Acción de BAMN:: Reemplazar el estatus de prohibición parcial...
11.022013December 17, 2019
Yearning to Breathe Free: BAMN Declaration on Immigrant Rights
By BAMNIn Dream Act, DACA and the Dreamers, Immigrant Rights, Social Justice, Stop Deportations! Sanctuary for Immigrants!Tags BAMN, dream act, featured, immigrant rights, immigration, Islamophobia, new colossus, statue of liberty poem, yearning to breathe free
Adopted by BAMN at the Ninth National Conference of the New Civil Rights Movement May 26, 2006, this is BAMN’s...
20.112012November 20, 2012
Reinstate Affirmative Action in Michigan NOW!
By BAMNIn Affirmative Action and K-12 Integration, Defend Public Education, Dream Act, DACA and the Dreamers, Hostile Campus Climate, Social JusticeTags affirmative action, BAMN, dream act, featured, michigan, minority admissions, Prop 2, underrepresented minority enrollment, victory
VICTORY! AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IS AGAIN LEGAL IN MICHIGAN! RALLY & MARCH Friday, December 7 Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor Reinstate...
19.102012October 19, 2012
UC-Berkeley DAY OF ACTION to Defend the Right to Public Education for All!
By Ronald CruzIn Affirmative Action and K-12 Integration, Defend Public Education, Dream Act, DACA and the Dreamers, Immigrant Rights, Social Justice, Stop Deportations! Sanctuary for Immigrants!Tags action, affirmative action, berkeley, civil rights, day, double, dream act, federal, immigrant, integration, sanctuary, underrepresented
Double Underrepresented Minority Enrollment and Pass the Federal DREAM Act! Restore affirmative action! Make UCB a sanctuary campus! Save UCLA’s...
04.042012April 4, 2012
Vote for the Defend Affirmative Action Party (DAAP) for UC-Berkeley student government!
By Ronald CruzIn Affirmative Action and K-12 Integration, Climate Crisis, Defend Public Education, Dream Act, DACA and the Dreamers, Immigrant Rights, Occupy Movement, Police Brutality and Corruption, Stop Deportations! Sanctuary for Immigrants!Tags affirmative action, berkeley, daap, dream act, drop charges, election, occupy, sanctuary, student government, witchhunt
Why YOU should vote DAAP for ASUC: Visit the DAAP website at goDAAP.org We are the voice of the new...